Friday, August 30, 2013

Friday Favorites: "The Secret To Happy Cats"

Got a stressed out cat? Is one of your herd urinating in inappropriate places? Maybe you have a bully in your house. Whatever the issue Feliway thinks it can help.

Feliway comes in three forms, spray, wall diffuser, and new wipes
First lets talk a little about the science behind Feliway.
According to their website (
"Feliway is a synthetic copy of the feline facial pheromone, 
used by cats to mark their territory as safe and secure."

Ever wonder why your cat needs to rub it's face on EVERYTHING? Ever wonder what he's thinking? I like to pretend it sounds a little something like this: 

"Oh, I love this purse soooo much." 

"This is the best table leg ever!!!" 

"What did I ever do without this amazing wall?"

Best fence ever
Here's the truth about why they rub and head-butt inanimate objects and their humans. 

Cats actually have scent glands located in the chin, corners of the mouth and on their temples. Anytime they rub or head-butt they are leaving a small trace of themselves behind. Freaked out yet? Good, let's continue. Their goal is to mark their territory, and thus, by leaving a scent behind, it helps to remind them of familiar and safe surroundings. 

So now you know the truth. You (and everything else in your house) are owned by your cat. *sigh*
Lets get back to the Feliway and how it works. Remember those synthetic pheromones? They're just a copy of what your cat is leaving behind when he rubs. With the use of Feliway you are hopefully creating that familiar and secure environment for your cat.

"Thor" & "Captain Awesome" belong to our lab tech Melissa.
Looks like Thor is winning this game.

Feliway can be used in many different situations. Such as inappropriate urination or defecation, stresses of a multiple cat household, learning to appreciate the carrier, and changes to the cats surroundings like redecorating, remodeling or moving. Just remember, it can take up to a week for the Feliway to have a positive effect on your kitty so be patient and don't give up!
"Thor" loves his carrier.

For more information on Feliway visit their website at

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Disclaimer: All products featured in Friday Favorites were purchased by me and/or GSAH.  
                                                    All opinions are my own. experiences may vary. Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The New Fur One One

Welcome to the new Fur One One!

Just like in life, everything must grow and change. Including technology and our little blog here at Griffith Small Animal Hospital. Hopefully this is a change for the better.

We can now bring you a more personalized GSAH blogging experience with tons of great (and educational) photos. As well as useful information, tips, tricks, and general animal cuteness!

we were lucky enough to see this mini lop last week

Like This. Or maybe more like...

"Tyrion" the amazing mini aussie 


Whichever you prefer, bunnies, puppies, kitties or ferrets you won't be disappointed. The new Fur One One will now be open to comments as well so you can let us know what you think of each blog post and also give me ideas on what you would like to see in the future.

So don't forget to check back often for new posts. Oh, and don't forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to keep up to date with all the happenings at GSAH.